ABQ (02) I Claim (ENG)
I Claim!
I, King Cristiano Albuquerque I, claim all the lands occupied by my ancestors of the Royal Blood of Portugal! By Divine Right I am dethroning all false leaders not under any illegal means of the global usurping political system in these lands, but in accordance with Divine Law and in a peaceful manner.
I call on all Catholics to support the cause of your sovereign King, all of you who live on Portuguese soil are beloved children of Portugal! Do not corroborate the infidels who illegitimately came to power, do not place faith in them! It is I Portugal that I call you children not to legitimize these usurpers by not voting for any politician or crowning any descendant of the current Masonic Orleans and Bragança under Lusitanian lands. The Catholic has always been called to bend his knees in the presence of his king, whether on earth or wherever I want you before the Most High God! Catholic does not vote, Catholic bends his knees in the presence of the rightful King!
Today officially decree the return of the Fifth Empire. The Empire that will never end!
Anno Domini September 7, 2020, Captaincy of Albuquerque, Brazil.
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